ddp is operated by the Seoul Design Foundation.

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Check the design information for Seoul Design Foundation We wish more happiness to the lives of citizens through the expansion of design culture

Press & News

A press&news release table consisting of Numbers, Title, Attachments, Views, registration dates.
No Title Attachments Views Date
356 Notice on Adjusted Operations for New Year Event During the National Mourning Period 102 2024-12-30
355 Meet the Seoul Design Coloring Everyday Vol. 2 Attachment present 395 2024-11-29
354 Seoul Design Awards 2024: Design for Coexistence Goes Wider and Further 309 2024-11-27
353 Sketches of DDP Design & Art 643 2024-10-16
352 Seoul Design Foundation Welcomes Chairperson of the Board Kim Hyun-sun & CEO Cha Gang-Heui 726 2024-10-16
351 DDP, Explore the Charms of Dongdaemun! Double the Fun with the “Dongdaemun Super Pass” Coupon book Full of Benefits! Attachment present 2735 2024-08-12
350 Seoul Light DDP 2024 Autumn “Future Log” 1302 2024-08-06
349 [Seoul Design Award 2024] Submission results in numbers 1192 2024-07-11
348 DDP Expects to Record 100 Million Total Visitors: Becoming a Must-visit Landmark in Seoul 1756 2024-04-12
347 Seoul Design, Unlimited Challenge Attachment present 4972 2024-03-06
