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ddp is operated by the Seoul Design Foundation.

Welcome to Seoul Design Foundation.

Directions& Map

Table on how to get to the headquarters of the Seoul Design Foundation, which consists of address, phone, fax, subway, local transit, and by car
Address 283 Yulgok-ro (70 Jongno 6-ga), Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea (110-126) 7-9th floors, Seoul Design Support Center
Phone +82-2-2096-0160
Fax +82-2-3705-0030
Subway - line 1, Dongdaemun Station, Exit 1
- line 4, Dongdaemun Station, Exit 10
Local Transit
  • Blue Bus : 101, 102, 103, 105, 107, 108, 144, 152, 201, 260, 261, 262, 270, 271, 301, 370, 420, 720, 721
  • Green Bus : 2112, 2233, 2014, 7025, 7212
  • Green Village Bus : 종로03
  • Red Bus : 9403
  • Airport Bus : 6002
By Car - If coming from the DDP : Pass via Heunginjimun Gate toward Daehak-ro and continue straight ahead.
- If coming from Jongno : Make a U-Turn at the Dongmyo Intersection and a right turn at the Heunginjimun intersection.

※ As parking space is limited, we recommend use of public transportation.
